
Friday, June 6, 2014

Fun at the TX Civil War Museum

What do you consider fun? History, art, sports? Do you have fun planned for the summer?

Hey y'all, Crystal here. Call me crazy, but I have fun wandering through historical places---be they museums, national landmarks, or old books. Throw in some state parks, hiking, and antique shops and you got yourself one great getaway. :)

Not too long ago, while attending a Gaither Fest concert, I got to visit the Texas Civil War Museum. We were short on time, so I took over a hundred pictures that I could go back and enjoy later.

Here are a few you might find interesting...

Victorian Maternity Dress
Friendship Fan

Here's what the card under the Friendship Fan says, "Dated 1872, the brown wooden fan was signed by many and includes short phrases of remembrances to Emily. This was a fan custom of the times." How cool is that? I think I need to find one to take with me to my next writer's conferences. Wouldn't that be a great way to bring home memories? :)

The layout the museum was pretty cool too. As you walked through the uniforms, weaponry, and such, the north wall held all the Union artifacts and the south wall--yep, you guessed it--the Confederate artifacts. :)

Here are just a couple of pics of some of the weaponry.
Cannons, anyone?

I took many more pictures. I'm talking miniature reactions of battles, ships, and homes, a slew of dresses and uniforms, and General Ulysses S. Grant's presentation sword. I'm sharing some of these on my blog today if you'd like to stop by and see more. :)

So, what about you? Do you find history fun? Do you have any exploring planned for the summer?

(Remember, all those who commenter and leave their email address will be entered in our weekly drawing. Check out our Prizes Galore page for more info.)


  1. Hi, Crystal! I love visiting museums and historical places! I was not even aware of the Texas Civil War Museum and am eager to add it to our places to visit this summer. Thank you for sharing!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi, Britney! I hope you enjoy the museum when you visit. Thanks for dropping by! :)

  2. Love it. Sounds like a great influence for a quilt made out of Civil War fabric!

    1. Hi Cathy! If you ever make that quilt, I'd love to see it. :) I'm still working on the one I started ... um... months ago. :D Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I'm with you - love museums. My tiny town has four, but my favorite is the Wright Museum. I got several times a season (It's only open May to October) It is dedicated to WWII. I live in New England so there are lots of historical places to visit. Thanks for sharing. Another museum to add to the bucket list!

    1. Wow, Linda! What a joy to be surrounded by such a treasure trove. :) Perhaps you could share pics from those museums one day. I'd love to see them. Maybe they'll have to get added to my bucket list too. :)

  4. I love museums! And old cemeteries. Now off to read your blog.

    1. Hi Pat! Oh, I forgot about cemeteries. Don't you love reading all the interesting names, wondering about the people's stories? Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the pics on my blog. :)

  5. Love the photos, Crystal and the fan. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Hi, Jodie! I thought the fan was one of the coolest things there. I think it shall have to be added to a book one day. :) Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. We did CW re-enacting for year and my husband was Gen Hood!

    1. Oh wow, Linda! I so want to see a re-enacting. :) I'm so totally jealous!
