
Friday, April 11, 2014

Secret to a Writer's Life

A writer's life is an interesting one. No two days are alike; at least not in my world. I'm continually tweaking my time, working to arrive at the perfect combination of writing/stuff I'd rather not be doing.

To be a better writer, I've read books and studied from the best. I've attended conferences where I've sat under the best professionals in this business. I'm blessed to live in an area that is accessible to an abundance of quality resources.

Something I look forward to and couldn't do without, are my relationships with other writers. We learn from each other and support one another. There's Katy, who's my sister from another mother,  as we call each other, and Laura, my friend and mentor. I look up to them spiritually, as well.
I share my space with my sweet boy, Buck

But the point is this:

What do I do with all I've learned? What goes on in my head, at my desk, when I'm alone, with my legal pad and pencil before me in the quiet of my writing space? The experts say you should write until something makes sense. What works for them, may not work for me, or the next writer. We each have to find our way.

It is useless and unproductive for me to sit at my desk and stare at the blank page until something is dropped into my brain. However, if I get my hands into my flower garden pulling weeds, or go for a long walk, something will invariably come to mind that begs to be written. Bam…weeds pulled…muscles toned…blog post written.

The book I'm writing is a different animal altogether. There is a story I'm trying to tell; my story. I know the beginning, middle and ending. My difficulties have nothing to do with writing the book and everything to do with the next steps.

If only we could write and press the publish key and our work was available for all to read; for all to catch our vision; hear our voice.

We each have a voice to share; not the voice of the fellow writer we admire, but our voice. I had to learn my voice was unique, the one God gave me; the one He wanted to share His message through.

I was complaining to Him one day about the words I'd written on my blog that day. He quietly spoke these words to my heart, "Maybe I won't give you anymore words."

I quickly asked forgiveness and told Him I'd write whatever He gave me.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. Writing is a gift from God. It's not mine to hold onto. It's not better than or less than any other gift. I've lived my entire life thinking I was less than, but God gave me something to do for Him. So, I'll write the words He gives me. End of Sentence. Period.

It's important to have those we can do life with; those that share our interests and dreams. How do you shape your days? If you're a writer, what works for you? Do you have a group or even one friend you can trust, to share your life with? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

You can find me writing at my blog, My Little Corner,


  1. Thanks for sharing a powerful message all writers need to hear. Listening to God, instead of measuring our work against others, will keep us focused on the work he's given us. I'm so grateful God put us together as writers and friends.

  2. Thank you Laura! You have been a wonderful friend and mentor. I'm so thankful God blessed me with our friendship! :)

  3. Praying for those next steps! Looking forward to reading your book. So glad God crossed our paths.

    1. Thank you Tammy! I'm so very thankful for you and our paths crossing too! I've missed you and hope we can continue meeting. I'm continually amazed at how God brings people together in this world of His. NOTHING is impossible with Him! <3

  4. Awesome post, Cindy! You are so right--I could not write a word if God didn't give them to me. There are days that the words flow freely and then there are days that are like pulling teeth. Yep, it ain't pretty. :-) But those are the days I'm on my knees asking for direction because I want my work to represent Him.

    1. Thank you Patricia! You understand, don't you?!! Some days I just say, "Well, the words have dried up Lord." He has never disappointed me when I've asked Him to give me words. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. It helps me to know I'm not the only one. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this, Cindy. Your desk looks like mine minus the cat. This week has been one of those when I can't seem to find the words to express what I should. I feel so inadequate to do what God would have me do. So good to know I'm not alone.

    1. Isn't it good to know we don't have to walk this road alone? That's one of the benefits of this blog, where you have a collection of writers to share experiences…joys and difficulties. I clear my desk off regularly, and in doing that words sometimes flow. Sometimes. Then it gets messy again. I'm also a bookkeeper so my two worlds are constantly mixing it up. Thanks for commenting!

  6. Oh MY. Beautifully written. This is a perfect description of a writer's life/day. We each have a voice to share - YES, and I'm grateful that you share yours with me face to face and on "paper." Thanks for writing this, my sister.

    1. Oh Katy, we are blessed to have each other. I can't imagine doing life without you. Thank you for your encouragement, your listening ear, your expertise in writing and your spiritual insight, none of which I could do without. Love you sister/friend.
