
Monday, October 28, 2013


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

Words. Written. Spoken. Thought. A day doesn't go by without expressing words in one form or another.

James 3:7-8 says, "Every sea creature, reptile, bird, or animal is tamed and has been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue." Psalm 141:3 states, "Lord, set up a guard for my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips."

How often do we say something only to regret it or wish we could snatch them back again?

I'm a wordsmith - a writer by trade. I enjoy putting my thoughts on paper or weaving a tale that will touch hearts and hopefully draw readers closer to the Lord. But sometimes when I speak, I find myself getting into trouble or saying something that is hurtful.

I praise God that His mercies are new each morning and He forgives me when I fail. My heart's desire is that I will each day become more like my Heavenly Father - by being honoring in the words I write, words I speak, and the words I think.

I thought it would be fun today to share some of our favorite words. I'll get us started. One of the words I like to say is plethora. Now it's your turn....


  1. I love the word, precious! So many things and so many people are precious to me so I am always using that word.

  2. Another great word, Melanie. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. The minister preached on the power of the tongue yesterday at church. He pointed out that there is a power in the tongue, and it can be death or life, but it is powerful.
    Thanks for the devotional Melanie!

    1. Sounds like you had a great sermon yesterday, Amber.

  4. Everything came into existence through the word of God and Love is the most powerful word.

  5. Oooo, words, words, words. :) To pick a favorite? Hmm. How about Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? :)


    Ok, really. I like ... persnickety, howdy, contrapositive...Oh, there's so many great words to chose from. Humdinger is a good one too. :)

    Thanks for the thoughts today, Jodie.

    1. You're welcome, Crystal. :) You came up with some great ones too.

  6. I've been using fantastic a lot lately. I work at an elementary school, so I use a plethora of praise words. :)

    1. :) Cute, Laura. Sounds like you do a great job praising your students.
